Political Philosophy

Episode 17 - The Declaration of Independence and the "Founding Fathers" Who Did Not Sign It

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Episode 17 - The Declaration of Independence - MoFo Podcast
Larry Fike

Be it known to all that MoFo has indeed read the Declaration of Independence, and that he has noted that four of the so-called “Founding Fathers” did not sign the Declaration of Independence by reason of the exculpatory conditions articulated herein.

Episode 8 - The Misery of Tyrants: Plato's Republic, Book IX

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Episode 8 - The Misery of Tyrants: Plato's REPUBLIC, Book IX
Larry Fike

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” -Eleanor Roosevelt. MoFo allows Plato to fill his mental content and speak to us today about the psychological origins of tyranny. Written in 380 BCE, you the listener can judge the relevance of its psychological pronouncements for the twenty-first century.