Larry Fike

Episode 21 - Addiction, Death, and Meditation

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Addiction, Death, and Meditation
Larry Fike

We are all addicted to pop culture, and maybe pop culture gives us a series of little deaths that temporarily occupy consciousness so that we have less attention available for the things that we claim to believe would make our lives more meaningful. Hear Jamie Cullum’s, “All At Sea,” written by, yes, Jamie Cullum. Hear power pop music by Larry May, or listen to him on YouTube. To be alive is to be dying; to be dying is to be alive; and to recognize this is to be human. By all means, enjoy your ingestments.

Episode 19 - Social Science: Historicism, Social Engineering, and the Case of Edward Bernays

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Episode 19 - Social Science: Historicism, Social Engineering, and the Case of Edward Bernays
Larry Fike

Who was right? Plato, Aristotle, neither, or both? Tough questions deserving a lifetime of study, or so thinks MoFo. What did Karl Popper think? (Hint: It wasn’t Plato!) Once Popper distinguishes historicism from social engineering as two strains within social thought, the strange case of Edward Bernays may make your skin crawl. As Bernays may have intended it! Listen in . . .

Episode 18 - Discursive Thinking, Meditation, and Contemplation

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Episode 18 - Discursive Thinking, Meditation, and Contemplation
Larry Fike

MoFo goes whack-a-mole as thoughts wax irrepressible in this whacky episode.

Episode 16 - Time: Part 2 (Digiphrenia)

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Episode 16 - Time: Part 2 (Digiphrenia) - MoFo Podcast
Larry Fike

What is “digiphrenia”? The metaphors we use to describe time, do more than distort a genuine understanding of time itself. They also shape the lives we live. Because we are living through the advent of the digital age, our awareness of these transformations in our relationship to time requires us to take a step back. MoFo reads from “Digiphrenia,” a section of Douglas Rushkoff’s book, Present Shock. Mofo also reads from his book, Unheard Tick of Time.

Episode 15 - Time: Part 1

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Episode 15 - Time: Part 1 - MoFo Podcast
Larry Fike

What is time? MoFo knows until you ask him. So, we listen to Augustine, Lakoff & Johnson, and Douglas Rushkoff of the Team Human Podcast write about it instead. “Seeing Double” by Larry May and Larry Fike.

Episode 14 - Human Flourishing: Plato and Aristotle

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Episode 14 - Human Flourishing: Plato and Aristotle
Larry Fike